The second rabbit - consequence of unexpected awareness Short novel 2014-2017

The second rabbit – consequence of unexpected awareness

In 1999 I was driving my father’s blue Mercedes from Helsinki to Suolahti for entrance examination. I was 21, highly motivated and sure about myself. I was feeling free while driving that blue Mercedes and smoking cigarettes in ever changing view. The weather was good, road was clear and I knew that I did not have enough fuel for the return journey, neither the money.

I saw a squirrel crossing the road. As I was in good believe that it will just continue going on the same direction I changed the lane not to hit it. In the last moment squirrel changed direction and I drove over it with the front wheel on the driver’s side. I was feeling such a strong disappointment towards that squirrel for not following my plan, I actually felt it crumble under my feet.

In my grandmother’s garden at my mother’s home, where I was also living my first two years, grew a huge fir next to a hawthorn fence. That fir was a home of my mother´s pet squirrel when she was 7.
During my grandfather´s funeral I wore stockings around my neck because I was cold. Later I have visited that graveyard many times, fed squirrels and rejoiced like a child. A few years ago when my father´s mother was blessed into her journey to eternity, there was no squirrel to comfort me.

My good intention had been denied and I ended up killing just because I had noticed that squirrel. Without me it would be alive and unknown to me. And I would not be crying and repeating: stupid squirrel.. stupid squirrel.. stupid squirrel.

I was accepted into that school.

Years later I am standing behind my father’s industrial building and watching snow falling. How it falls on a branch and disappears. At the same time, falling from the branch and fell to itself, my ground.

I still love to smoke cigarettes while driving.

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